Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Aunt Sara

Aunt Sara came to visit me and we had a blast. She looks and sounds a lot like daddy so we became fast friends. I loved having her here...she gives good snuggles and makes funny faces. I didn't get to meet my Uncle Doug yet, but hopefully soon.

 Here we are hanging out and being silly...

Ha! Tell me another one!


Video chatting with Grandma and Grandpa...if you look closely, you can see them on the iPad

Poor Aunt Sara came from sunny CA to DC during a snowstorm. She braved the cold and even took the metro! She's a smart lady because she had hat, sweater, gloves and scarf with her. I got wrapped up in a polar bear outfit when we went on a walk. It kept me nice and warm.

Daddy made his famous Italian meatballs and sauce for Aunt Sara. Mommy made Grandma's Hawaiian chicken. They chowed down on that and birthday cake. On Sunday, Aunt Sara's friend Lisa came to visit with baby Silas. He is about a month younger and oh-so-cute. The grown-ups tried to eat brunch and us babies weren't about to let that happen! =)

Showing off my new duds

We had a great time and I can't wait until I see my Aunt again. Love you!!

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