Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Two Months!

I'm two months old. I think I am finally starting to get the hang of this strange new place. I love meeting new people and talking to them. It's too bad it's so darn cold out or mommy would take me more places. We met my new friend Hailey who is only 2 weeks old and I look SO big next to her. Mommy got a little teary eyed at how fast her baby is growing up.

Here I am at the doctors office. I was having fun in the waiting room until they stuck me with needles. It hurt! Mommy and Daddy say I'm getting stuff to prevent me from being sick.

As you can see I go through a lot of outfits throughout the day. Some may say I'm drooly. Aunt Debbie came to visit and soothed my boo boos. She rocked me to sleep and I felt much better.

1 comment:

  1. Love. Love. Love. Love.
    Love that girl! Give her kisses from me please!
