Sunday, December 8, 2013

Holiday Baby Party

Mommy has a great group of friends who are all Mommies too. We got together for a holiday party and all us babies played and ate cookies.

Dads and Babies...

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


It's my Birthday! It's been one whole year since mommy & daddy brought me home from the hospital (or the stork- depends who you ask). We came home on Thanksgiving Day of 2012...Mommy says her and I slept soundly for a few hours. We just snuggled as a family and were thankful to be together on that special day. It seems so long ago. I love my family and friends and look forward to another amazing year of growing & learning. Thank you for being a part of my life!!

More pics to come...

Monday, November 18, 2013

Making Bananas

Mommy brought me downtown on the train to visit daddy at work. It was so exciting! I got to sit in Daddy's chair and spin around!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Step. Step. Walk?

I'm so close to walking! I took 2 whole steps while Aunt Debbie was over playing with me. This video kind of shows it. It happens so fast and then I plop down on my tushie so I don't bang my head. I can't wait to run around the house discovering all the fun things I'm not allowed to touch.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


November is a special month. Several of our friends have birthdays. Believe it or not, it will already be my 1st Birthday too. There's Veterans day which is for all the brave people who have protected our country. Who could forget yummy Thanksgiving, which is extra special because Hanukkah begins then too. Lots of memories to be made!

I'm having so much fun learning each and every day. I love to read books with daddy and flip the pages. I found my tummy and like to pat it, mostly in the bath. I can say a bunch of words but mostly stick with "Hi Dad" and "Baybaybay". I love to point and say "doo-doo" at things but I'm not sure what that means. I LOVE LOVE LOVE other kids and makes me so happy to play with my friends. I'm cruising and making efforts to walk. Any day now!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Fall Fun Day

A perfect fall day, warm yet crisp. We enjoyed the beauty of Rock Creek Park with the graceful horses and changing leaves. I roamed free among the soft, green grass while the sky made intricate patterns above us.

This leaf is as BIG as me!

 The pretty horses are fast. I think they say 'Neigh" but I'm still getting used to "Moo, baa, lalala"

Wide open spaces to crawl

Saturday, November 9, 2013

My 1st Halloween

The happy chocolate dance 
BOO! Mommy kept dressing me up as a ladybug and taking me places. I have no complaints because my costume was very warm and comfy. 


Friday, October 25, 2013

Lily the Lovebug

I eat grown-ups, by the bunch.
I ate six,
today at lunch.

I’m a ghoul, that’s what I do.
Don’t ask me home or I’ll eat you!

- Debbie Leppanen

I'm not so sure about Mommy's costume choice

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

11 Months

OMG! I'm almost a year!
Yeah, I know you're jealous of my leggings...Grammy has good taste
It's a bird, it's a plane...'s SUPER LILY
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Saturday, October 19, 2013


What a busy month! My first Halloween, the leaves changing color, pumpkins and all the fall festivities. Here are some highlights so far:

Playing with the Sam & Lucas
My silly Stephanie

The famous Brewer Boys - too cute!

Uncle Joe

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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Shutdown Shimmy

Oops I broke the Government. Or rather some poop heads in the House. Not our house, but a big white one downtown. Instead of Daddy staying home and playing with me, he had to work late. Mommy was not happy. Luckily it was nice out and we had fun with friend Aunt Lisa and my buddy MJ.

Click 'Read More' below to see more pics!

Friday, September 27, 2013

10 Months

I turned 10 months on September 20th.

Click 'Read More' below for the rest!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Herbie and Ruby

We spent a magical day with 'Big' Ruby (not to be confused with baby Ruby) and Uncle Herbie. Mommy says these are our cousins whom she loves very much. They are very silly! We had a wonderful day in the sunshine watching the people. I couldn't sleep with all the excited. It was the PERFECT day with amazing company and beautiful weather. I can't wait to see them again soon.

Click 'Read More' below for more!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Falling for FALL

Autumn is here and we are loving it. This time last year I was new to the world. I saw my home for the first time on Thanksgiving Day and slept through most of November and December. Now I love to feel the brisk air and the sun shining on my face. I like to feel the crinkly leaves and of course try to eat them. I like the smooth skin of a pumpkin and the handle built right in for little people like me. Fall is Fun! Here I am enjoying the first weeks of September =)

Click 'Read More' for the rest!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Party likes it's 5774

Rosh Hashanah was from sundown to sundown - September 5th to September 6th. Hope everyone dusted off their yarmulkes and ate some apples with honey like we did (okay, got me there...I can't have honey yet)

Click below for more!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Beach Fun

Sunshine, sand, bathing suits, pools, Candy Kitchen - yep, it's the beach

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