Tuesday, March 26, 2013

1st Passover and 1st Solid Food

Tonight was the my first night of Passover, and Grandpa came over to help celebrate.  Mom prepared a delicious seder feast with yummy matzah ball soup and a tasty brisket.  I had my eye on the charoset all night.  Mommy and Daddy said I was old enough to try my first taste of people food, so they gave me a little bit of shmushy carrots.  As you can see, I inherited Daddy's love of food.  I might need a little more practice, but I'm off to a good start!

AND...Now for the Frog Song 
One morning when Pharaoh woke up in his bed
There were frogs on his bed and frogs on his head
Frogs on his nose and frogs on his toes
Frogs here
Frogs there
Frogs were jumping everywhere

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