Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Lily and Ruby

My cousin Ruby visited with her brother Jordan, mommy Jami and daddy Greg. She is a little older than me, so I tried to take in everything she does. After she left, I babbled and babbled for hours, talking about how much fun we had. Here we are kickin' it
Meeting of the minds


~ cutie cousins ~
Greg and Lily
Look at those pretty eyes
Jami gives great hugs
I wish I had a big brother like Jordy

Mommy got us matching shoes, while cousin Jami got us matching hair bows. Aren't we cute??
Quick! Before the babies move
Too late
This shoe is delicious
Mommy, get in the picture...cheese!

 Love you guys! Can't wait to see you again soon. XOXO

1st Passover and 1st Solid Food

Tonight was the my first night of Passover, and Grandpa came over to help celebrate.  Mom prepared a delicious seder feast with yummy matzah ball soup and a tasty brisket.  I had my eye on the charoset all night.  Mommy and Daddy said I was old enough to try my first taste of people food, so they gave me a little bit of shmushy carrots.  As you can see, I inherited Daddy's love of food.  I might need a little more practice, but I'm off to a good start!

AND...Now for the Frog Song 
One morning when Pharaoh woke up in his bed
There were frogs on his bed and frogs on his head
Frogs on his nose and frogs on his toes
Frogs here
Frogs there
Frogs were jumping everywhere

Friday, March 22, 2013

4 Months - Quadrimestre

I'm 4 months now. How I've grown! I went up a clothing size and a diaper size. I was brave at my 4 month check-up when they gave me vaccinations. I'm getting bigger and bigger....and oh so tall. I'm in the 90th percentile for height at 25 inches. Here's me hamming it up for the camera:

This is me; Johanna Lillian!

Hi Everyone!

I'm so big, I can drive right? Well maybe not, but here are some things I can do...
Starting to sit up
Smile big
Grasp objects...and chew on them
Drool on myself and everything in sight
Say 'Ma' or 'Mama' when I miss mommy
Drink a bottle on my own (well, kind of)

Here are some cute pictures of me and Mommy before I had my four month shots!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Standing Around

Lately I've been trying out this new fad called "standing".  Apparently, it is all the rage with the kids these days.  I still need Mommy and Daddy to hold me up but I am getting stronger and I may just skip the whole crawling thing and go straight to walking.  I guess you could say I'm an innovator.

Sometimes I get so excited from standing that I have to spit up a little.  Sorry Mom!

These boots were made for walking (or standing)....and that's just what I'll do....


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lori Faith

Dear Aunt Lori,

I never got to meet you, but I love you. I know you loved me with all your heart and I can feel it even though you are not here to show me. Mommy misses you so very much and she has already started telling me all about you. She said you make really funny silly faces that would have made me laugh. And how you had the biggest heart of anyone she's ever known. How you were like a sister & cousin wrapped up in one....and that no one will ever replace you, ever.
We think of you every day and miss you so much. One day I will get to meet you...until then we will remember you and celebrate your life. 

Love your little niece Lily

Lori Faith 1979- 2013

Saturday, March 9, 2013


I got to spend time with Aunt Ruby, Uncle Herbie, Aunt Dolly and Uncle Mel. Boy, did we have fun! I laughed and giggled because they made silly faces and tickled me. We had a blast. Can't wait to see you all again soon. Love you <3
(scroll down for video)

Me and the Crew =)

Hi Dolly...
I've heard a lot about you
Hi Ruby
You sure are comfy
Mom, another picture!?
All better

So I said to the guy....

Mom, can I stay?
I like it here
These people are much more fun than you
See what I mean?