Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Aunt Sara

Aunt Sara came to visit me and we had a blast. She looks and sounds a lot like daddy so we became fast friends. I loved having her here...she gives good snuggles and makes funny faces. I didn't get to meet my Uncle Doug yet, but hopefully soon.

 Here we are hanging out and being silly...

Ha! Tell me another one!


Video chatting with Grandma and Grandpa...if you look closely, you can see them on the iPad

Poor Aunt Sara came from sunny CA to DC during a snowstorm. She braved the cold and even took the metro! She's a smart lady because she had hat, sweater, gloves and scarf with her. I got wrapped up in a polar bear outfit when we went on a walk. It kept me nice and warm.

Daddy made his famous Italian meatballs and sauce for Aunt Sara. Mommy made Grandma's Hawaiian chicken. They chowed down on that and birthday cake. On Sunday, Aunt Sara's friend Lisa came to visit with baby Silas. He is about a month younger and oh-so-cute. The grown-ups tried to eat brunch and us babies weren't about to let that happen! =)

Showing off my new duds

We had a great time and I can't wait until I see my Aunt again. Love you!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

January celebrations

This weekend was Mommy's birthday and Aunt Sara came to visit. Grandma H watched me while mommy and daddy went out to dinner for the first time without me. We shared lots of giggles and snuggles. I pooped 3 times in a row which was really funny... Heehee. Love you Grandma!

Dinner at Range
cutie Hailey
Happy Birthday Mama

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Two Months!

I'm two months old. I think I am finally starting to get the hang of this strange new place. I love meeting new people and talking to them. It's too bad it's so darn cold out or mommy would take me more places. We met my new friend Hailey who is only 2 weeks old and I look SO big next to her. Mommy got a little teary eyed at how fast her baby is growing up.

Here I am at the doctors office. I was having fun in the waiting room until they stuck me with needles. It hurt! Mommy and Daddy say I'm getting stuff to prevent me from being sick.

As you can see I go through a lot of outfits throughout the day. Some may say I'm drooly. Aunt Debbie came to visit and soothed my boo boos. She rocked me to sleep and I felt much better.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

CAP...Let's go Caps!

Mommy told me how awesome hockey is, but no one could enjoy it because they were not getting along. They finally
made nice and will play again. I can't wait to go to my first game with her & (friend) aunt Lisa. Cousin Candace gets to be at the stadium where they play, all the time. Lucky duck!

Friday, January 11, 2013

I can't put my arms down!

Reminds me of the Cosby show episode when Rudy gets bundled up to play in the snow and then says "Dad, I have to pee"
Lucky for Lily, she wears diapers =)

One Month

December 20th was a special day; I celebrated my First Month in the world!

Daddy started back at work around then and misses us girls. We give him big hugs & kisses when he comes home. Well to be honest I'm cranky in the evening, but what baby isn't?

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Lily Gets Chatty

"Birdie, you are so cute and I love how you wiggle. Don't stop tweeting. Ever. By the way mom, I'm hungry...again"

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Wow, 2013!  I feel like I was just born yesterday (wait, I was).  What an exciting time to be a baby!

Usually we spend Christmas with Nonna and Grampy in AZ, but instead we had a low key celebration.  I got lots of toys from Aunt Debbie, Uncle Justin and Grandma H. Here I am in my Lily Ladybug swaddle. Boy, was it comfy! I also got a cute owl outfit from Aunt Sara & Uncle Doug, but I have to wait a few months to wear it.

I climbed in the this box all by myself and jumped out, yelling SURPRISE! Just kidding, I can't do any of that yet but my lovely parents thought I would look 'cute' as a package.

Special Delivery!

Mommy and Daddy rang in the New Year by going to bed at 11:30pm. I was out at 10pm.
Isn't it strange that I'll never see Dick Clark host a Rockin' New Years? The end of an era. Happy Dew Year everyone

Grandma being silly with Giraffy on New Year's Day

Snoozin in my carseat