Thursday, May 23, 2013

6 Months - Half Birthday

My half birthday happens to be the same day as Grandpa Steve's real birthday!
Also the same day of the month as Grandpa Joe. What are the chances!?
I'm getting to be a big girl now. I eat food, well, play with it mostly. I babble all the time and love to look at everything around me. Anything I see looks like it will help with teething so I try to put it in my mouth, 
but Mommy always stops me when I finally get to the remote or her iphone.

Here I am eating carrots...yum

I recently met mommy's old friend Jamie. She's funny! 
She got mommy a pretty, sparkly necklace from Venice. It looks delicious =)


Aunt Debbie babysat me so Mommy and Daddy could have a date night. I was good until they got home...teeheehee

Baby Blues
Lunch with Rachael...gimmie dat face!
My buddy Hailey and I cruising the mall
Pretty Grandma on Mother's Day
Aunt Debbie and me
Grandma, I can too eat the table cloth!
Uncle Justin is funny

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Arizona Photo Shoot

Mommy, Grandma and Grandpa surprised Daddy with a photo shoot for his birthday!  


Cherry Blossoms Photo Shoot

Mommy and Daddy decided I would look cute under the cherry blossoms and made me take photos. I was okay for a few minutes until I realized it was kind of cold outside, I had a bow on my head and even had to change outfits! The best was playing with my feet on the blanket, but I clearly was not happy about the "80's jean jacket" look.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Silly in Spring

Enjoying a grassy knoll on a warm spring day

Check out my karate moves

Monday, May 13, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

West Side Baby Story

Grammy and Grampy had a housewarming party for West coast relatives to meet me and see their new, beautiful home. I got to meet Aunts & Uncles and Cousins. Everybody was so nice...and tan. We had lots of fun! I took a very long nap after they left.
We're here!
Grampy love

Aunts and Uncles
Great Uncle Ron
Great Aunt Rose
Great Uncle John
Great Aunt Pat

Bubble Time

Having Fun
cousins Lexi and Michael
Nicole and Denise
Lexi, Me, Aaron and Michael

Sean, Denise, Uncle Ron, Aaron, Grampy
Great Aunt Pat, Aunt Sara, Great Uncle John
Grammy and Aunt Sara
Eatin' Peas

I like when Grammy sings to me