Wednesday, February 20, 2013

3 Months

Sono tre mesi oggi (I am 3 months today)!

How things have changed in such a short time. At my last doctors visit I was 12lbs 5oz. I'm about 23 inches long. I've been smiling for some time now and giggle when I'm being silly.

I have strong legs that I kick and kick. My favorite game is to make my legs straight and 'stand' on mommy and daddy's laps.  I love my play mat from Great Aunt Joanne and Great Uncle Vince. I like to bat and grab the space rocket. Check out the cute space theme and fun music!

I still hate tummy time, mostly because I spit up a lot and it bothers my tummy. Here's a video of me barfing on Mommy.

Guess what!!??? I said MY FIRST WORD.  On Feb 11th I said 'Mama'. I know, I know...supposedly it's too early to talk but Grandma H can bare witness. I looked at mommy who was singing to me and yelled 'Mama!' Sorry daddy, maybe I'll say your name next.
I've moved into the crib-like part of my pack-n-play. At first I hated it but now I'm getting used to the roominess. We've discovered sleep sacks, which are amazing. It's a wearable blanket that's warm and fuzzy.  I am starting to sleep longer stretches but it's a work in progress. Mommy and Daddy hope that someday soon I sleep all through the night so they don't feel like zombies. Happy, loving parent zombies, but zombies nonetheless.

Below are photos and videos of me in my 2nd month. I'm changing and growing every day. Mommy says to slow down because time is flying by too fast =)

Totally Lovable



Oh so pretty

Drooly Flower Head

So sleepy....

1 comment:

  1. YAY LILY! Great post! I see that you've been a busy, busy girl lately! Can't wait to see you again, cutie!
