Monday, November 26, 2012

My birthday

I was born Tuesday, November 20th at 3:36pm. I had to be rushed to the NICU right after Daddy cut my cord because the doctors needed to intubate me. Mommy and Daddy didn't get to hold me right away... In fact they barely got to see me as I was rushed out of the room. It was very scary for Mommy and Daddy, but they didn't have to wait long before the doctors came back and said that I was going to be fine (although they still kept me for an hour for observation). Daddy was allowed to come see me but Mommy was not because she still could not walk. After the doctors gave me the ok, Daddy brought me back to the room and I was finally placed into my Mommy's arms.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the words and the incredible photos. WOW! I'm in awe of you three and so happy. :)
