Wednesday, December 26, 2012

More Visitors

Here are more people who love me =)

Jada came to visit and brought lots of nice gifts for mommy

I'm oh so comfy 
Hi (friend) Aunt Dre! You're funny

The other (former) LBC =)

Big Brown

Amanda and honeymoon

I see babies in your future

Cousin Lorraine (not to be confused with Grandma Lorraine)

Me and Grandma kickin it

Matty, Jonah and Lorraine visiting from NY

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Look at the wonderful people who love me and took such good care of mommy and daddy. Thank you to everyone who brought food, gifts and hugs. We three are so grateful to have such amazing friends and family.

Staring contest with Grandma
Hawaiian chicken, diapers, laundry, snuggles...thank you for everything. We love you

Aunt Debbie
Thanks for my bear-butt sleeper. I wear it all the time and it makes me think of you.

I love my soft swaddling clothes. They make feel cozy and warm.

Stephanie and Joe
Stephanie and Joe, can you come over and play again soon?

Mommy and Daddy loved the food you brought and I can't wait to wear my pretty dress in the springtime.

Jack and Joe

Wow, thanks for taking off the whole day to play with me. Sorry I slept through most of it. I can't help it - that's what baby's do!

I saved my poses just for you. Mommy has been enjoying all those Starbucks drinks =) She says they are heavenly after waiting so long to have one.

Best meatloaf maker ever. And pretty good at cuddling too.

Kapilly and Lily
Yay! More Kapilly time please. Thank you for the generous gift- I pooped in all the diapers so mommy and daddy need more.

Peter...soon-to-be Dad
You're a natural

Marissa...soon-to-be Mommy
And Maris too!

Marissa and her tummy
This goes in so...

Caroline in the City
Gorgeous girls. Next time you're over Ill try not to spit up so much.

Well hello Lisa
So about that NHL lockout

Fist pump

Friday, December 14, 2012

S is for Sleep

I slept 6 hours in a row last night! Mommy and daddy are so happy. I had a big dinner which made me very tired. When I woke up I felt like a new baby. Maybe I even grew? I might sleep again tonight but we'll see =)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Internets

Hi Everyone,

We made this blog in lieu of Facebook. We feel this is more private and personal. So, please do not post the blog website or these photos and videos to FB.

Thank you! We appreciate your support in protecting her privacy.

Xoxo Meredith and Joe

Three Weeks Old on Chanukkah

However you want to spell it, it's the 4th night of The Festival of Lights and also 3 weeks from my birth day.

Don't blow out the candles Lily

Grandpa (Big Joe) & Grandma L were in DC to celebrate the first night. They were so excited to meet me. I was being a bit cranky but Grandpa's warm elbow put me to sleep and Grandma's love made me feel all snuggly & warm. Grandma H, Grandpa S & Aunt Debbie came over to celebrate. Thank you Aunt Debbie for my funny Yiddish book. Thank you to Grandma H for the yummy latkes and Grandpa S for the warm blankets. Thank you to Grandpa & Grandma C for all the love & kisses.

Hello little one

Grandpa J/Big Joe/Grampy

Grandma L/Nonna 

Say 'Dreidel!'


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Making of Lily

Mommy and Daddy made a little video of me growing in Mommy's tummy.  Hope you like it!

Click to watch on YouTube
The video has sound so make sure your speakers are turned on.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Goodnight everyone!

Mommy and Daddy have lots of photos to post on my blog, but for now we
are all off to sleepy town.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Two Weeks Old

Yay! I was two weeks old yesterday, Tuesday, December 4th. I've gained 13oz and grew 2 more inches. I'm in the 84% percentile for height! Hopefully I'm tall like daddy. I like my checkups because my doctor looks like mommy and is very nice. I may be going through one of many growth spurts because I'm very hungry all the time. I like to spit up all over mommy these days. She doesn't mind because I make cute faces and coo at her...and all is forgiven. Big news- my belly button stump fell off the other day. Daddy had the pleasure of throwing it out. Now I have a cute button! We can't tell yet if it'll be an inny or an outie.

Most of the time I'm happy and make silly faces. Other times I am hungry, want cuddles or have a wet diaper...



First Bath

On my 6th day of life (11.26.12) I had my first bath. As you can see from the photos, I'm not sure if I liked it or not. I peed on Grandma so I guess I was relaxed. Sorry! I'm still too small for my bath seat but it did the job. Mommy and Daddy gave me another bath recently and I cried and cried...maybe when I'm bigger it'll be more fun.

Best. Daddy. Ever

This is my daddy. Isn't he handsome? I think so. He loves mommy so much he got her beautiful sparkly earrings. Mommy calls him 'Nurse Joe' because he helped so much when I refused to come out of her tummy. She thinks he is the world's greatest husband and they are best friends. Their love made me and now I'm going to keep them up all night to question their decision. Just kidding!

Still looking good with no sleep in 3 weeks

...are a girl's best friend...

Love you Daddy. See you next diaper change!