Saturday, June 22, 2013

7 Months

Sono sette mesi oggi (I'm 7 months today- June 20th)

Just yesterday I was swimming in mommy's tummy. Now I can sit up, scootch around and babble. I love to observe everything around me and see all the colors and shapes. Although I still try to eat them, I love reading books. Thank you to everyone for providing me with such a big collection of stories. I just got a new activity center/jumper. You can see me enjoying it in the photos below. 
Now that it's warm out - I got to dip my feet in the pool a few times. We take walks and mommy points out all the plants and birdies. It's fun not to wear all those layers, but now I need sunblock - yuck! 
Recently I saw my cousins, whom I love, but I was very sleepy. It's hard being a baby...can never get too many naps =) Speaking of cousins, special congratulations goes to my buddy Ruby on receiving her Hebrew name. Miss and love you. Happy 10 months!!! Also, we are VERY excited for mommy's childhood friends Tricia and Chrissy on their impending arrivals. Any day now! Can't wait to meet my new friends.
Love you all! xo Lily

Chris and me 

Uncle Herbie (I was grouchy. Sorry!)
cousin Shelley
Cousin Meredith
Mommy, Aunt Debbie, Carly

cousin Diana
cousin Sandy
Meredith, Robin, Me, Mommy, Carly


  1. Oh Lily, you are getting so big!! Grammy can't wait to visit with you:-) See you in a couple of weeks! Love you so much

  2. Beautiful pictures!!!!
